
  • +917820905000
  • +917820905000
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  • INR

  • USD

  • Monthly

  • Yearly

Total Workforce Management

₹ 50


₹ 540


$ 1


$ 10.8


See Features

  • Effortless Mobile Onboarding
  • Advanced Attendance and Authentication
  • Face Recognition-Based Attendance
  • Travel and Tracking Authentication
  • Kiosk for One Mobile Multiple Employee Punching
  • Task Based Checkout
  • Leave and Shift Management
  • Shift Templates
  • Create, edit and reassign shifts
  • Time and Attendance
  • Mobile check-in/out with multi Authentication Factors ;Facial Recognition, Geofencing, Biometric, NFC Tags, Device Machine ID and many more
  • Time and absence compliance rules
  • Real Time Notifications
  • GPS Tracking
  • Offline Tracking
  • Search People based on Facial Recognition
  • Access Virtual Training
  • View Training Certificates
  • Integrated with Knowledge Management System
  • Enhanced Communication and Collaboration
  • Display Bulletin Boards and Blogs
  • Complaint Management


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