
  • +917820905000
  • +917820905000
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  • INR

  • USD

  • Monthly

  • Yearly

Core LMS

₹ 400


₹ 4320


$ 4.8


$ 51.9


See Features

  • Multi-device compatibility
  • Seamless User Experience
  • Advanced Learning Management System (LMS)
  • AI-Driven Smart Information and Job description based learning
  • AI Saarthi
  • Sign-On
  • Asynchronous Learning supports interactive elements such as comments, discussions, and real-time Q&A to enhance engagement during training sessions
  • Integrated notifications ensure timely communication between HR, trainers, and learners, keeping everyone informed and engaged.
  • Robust Reporting and Analytics
  • Integrated Knowledge Management System (KMS)
  • Facilitated Knowledge Sharing
  • Organizational Manual with Inbuilt Templates
  • Content Integrity and Moderation
  • Document Storage Integration with our DMS
  • Gamification
  • MyGuide Module
  • Performance reviews
  • Individual Development Plans
  • Ratings throughout the course
  • Discussion forums and panels
  • Learning program ratings and comments
  • Faster and on-point support from
  • the said team
  • eLearning course authoring tool
  • Include a vast array of multimedia objects in courses
  • Content-friendly
  • Learning paths
  • Training Certification and Approval


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