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Action & Business Management

₹ 1199


₹ 12950




$ 324


See Features

  • Human Resource
    • Employee hub
    • AI Powered Coach
    • Skill assessment
    • Employee skill profiler
    • Career pathways
    • 360 feedback
    • Rewards and Recognition
    • Polls/ Surveys
    • Talent cards
    • Succession planning
    • Perfoamnce Based Increment Tool
    • Enterprise talent maps and hotspots
  • Startegy Management
    • Organizational Goal Management
    • Strategy Map
    • Strategic Planning
    • BSC Perspectives
    • Create Virtual Identities and align goals and action with RACI Methodology
    • Scorecard Templates
    • Workflow Management
    • Alerts & Notifications
    • KPI and BI Dashboards
    • Knowledge Management System (KMS) and AI modeling
    • Resource Planning Tool (RPT)
    • Resource and Asset Management
    • Dynamic Rule Management
  • Engagement
    • Workflow and Routing
    • Create workflows and routing with dual views.
    • Cognitive work planner and scheduler balances routing.
    • Workload Balancing
    • Mission boards
    • Task management
    • Project Management
    • Checklist Mamagement
    • Complaint Management
    • Lag Indicators and Lead Indicators
    • Real-Time Notifications and Reminders
  • Risk Distribution (R)
    • RDRMM (Risk Distributed Resource Management Model)
    • Resource Utility Engine (RUE)
    • Resource Value Engine (RVE)
    • Key Trigger Switches (KTS)
  • Performance (P)
    • Customized dashboards
    • Augmented analytics
    • Schedule and approve training certifications
    • Performance Appraisal Management
    • Balance Scorecard


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