
  • +917820905000
  • +917820905000
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  • INR

  • USD

  • Monthly

  • Yearly

Single Sign-On

₹ 129


₹ 1393


$ 1.5


$ 16.2


See Features

  • Integration Network
  • Desktop and mobile SSO
  • Security Question
  • Password Reset
  • Email as a factor
  • 3rd party MFA integration
  • Unlimited SAML and OIDC Authentication
  • Integrated Messmail
  • Custom Org URLs
  • Custom Branding
  • Sign-in widget
  • Location context
  • Device context
  • Network context

Multi-factor Authentication

₹ 129


₹ 1393


$ 1.5


$ 16.2


See Features

  • Facial Recognition
  • Finger Scan
  • Aadhar Authentication
  • Security question
  • Verify OTP
  • Machine Tokens
  • Multiple Device support
  • FastPass
  • Email as a factor
  • SMS
  • Password Blacklist
  • Third-party factors
  • Multiple authentication factor per policy
  • Contextual access management
  • New geo-location
  • MFA registration APIs
  • Device security attributes
  • Specified IP zones

Universal Directory

₹ 159


₹ 1717


$ 2


$ 21.6


See Features

  • Cloud directory
  • Directory and identity Synchronization
  • Custom Mapping and Transformation
  • Directory Provisioning
  • PAM
  • Custom Connectors
  • Trusted IDP
  • Org Chart with Multitenant Architecture

Life Cycle Managmenet

₹ 259


₹ 2797


$ 3


$ 32.4


See Features

  • Auto provisioning / deprovisioning for OIN apps
  • App access and provisioning tied to lifecycle states
  • Create and deactivate accounts in applications
  • Application Specific rules
  • Manage entitlements
  • Group discovery, matching, push, and updates
  • Automated User Provisioning
  • Admin Approval workflows
  • Access audit reports
  • Recent unassignments report
  • APIs for full customization
  • Customizable directory for users groups and devices
  • Manage lifecycle states
  • Attribute mapping and transformation
  • Built-in standards-based provisioning (SCIM)
  • On-prem provisioning SDK
  • HR-driven IT provisioning
  • Mastering from select apps
  • Mastering from CSV Directory
  • Automatic Sync to Cloud Directory

API Access Management

₹ 499


₹ 5389


$ 6


$ 64.8


See Features

  • Application and directory integrations
  • Oauth 0.2 Tokens
  • OIDC compliant
  • Get Rate Limit
  • Dynamic client registration
  • Central access and authorization management
  • User consent
  • Customizable scopes and claims
  • Customizable authorization servers
  • Messmail API management
  • Face recognition API
  • Face Compare API
  • Anti-Spoof API
  • Organization Chart API
  • Organization Chart API
  • User Management API
  • API Development Platform SDK
  • Mobile development SDK and API


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