Wiki (KMS & Analyzer)

Tip Top WIKI is a centralized integrated KMS solution built as a CMS as well as a Application Plugin through the Tiptop platform

Business Information, Analytics & Knowledge Management CMS
One application that completes all your Information , collaboration, discussion, files and Knowledge management Requirements .
Cognitive Time Sheets Audit Check
One click payroll processing with KYC and one click loans
Compensation, benefits & Taxation
Performance Linked Increment Tool
Compliances and instant insurance
AI powered BI and Data analytics


A place to store all business related information in a organized and indexed ways so that the same can be stored, shared and collaborated by Public, group or a individual. Hierarchical Organizational Permission management which can Be Read, write, moderate , Publish , Ban etc Every Article or page can be set as Public, Semi Public or Private

Group Based Permission

Posting a article: This is a CMS where the users can post and publish articles instantly using templates that can be designed from front end.

Publishing the article: Once the article is posted it will go to the publisher ( publisher is a user who has access to publish the article his rights have to be defined as a super editor who has all the rights or a category editor who edits and approves the articles for the specific category and once these go through it they have to approve so that a log can be maintained as to who published this article these users shall have a right to edit the categories of this article but not the content as in case there is a problem with the content then they can decline the article which shall be notified to the owner of the article with comments on why it was declined. The organization can publish help file for the publisher and editor showing guidelines of posting a article and the person posting has to accept the guidelines before posting any article.

Discussion or comments: If a reader wants to leave comments he can do so if the publisher has posted the article with a feature of add comments but if he has not put the feature on then the reader can click on the name of the publisher which shall come be default from his TTWIKI account and send him a comment by email.( check trip advisor )

Drafting a article: When one is writing a article he can keep it saved as a draft till it is posted .

What all can a member see on his panel:

What can a member see on his panel?

  • Subscriptions ( all the newsletter categories that I have selected )
  • Contributions ( all my articles or comments that I have posted )

Messages ( mail messages )

Pushing article : suppose I liked certain article on the TTWIKI and I want it to be read by my group then I can push this article to be published on my network as a RSS feed or as a article in this case the article shall not be rewritten in the database but shall just be published on that additional portal and category ( shall be explained further below when we deal with groups )

This portal is on cloud or can be a hybrid application

  • Group and users: This is a ready made portal for business group where any member of their business can post or read a article related to their business.
  • Basic features: The group administrator can send a invite to any person willing to use this portal based on this invite the new user can first register himself as a member to this portal welcome page of User Company the wiki has the provision of being used as the default page of the organization and the home page will automatically change as per the user parent organization This page can be tailor made as per the company and shall be generalized with menu tabs but the categories and sections can be hidden or shown as per company requirement.
  • The version Control feature of the application makes it safe from any accidental changes or wrong information that has been published by some one with wrong intentions so very important tool for policy and procedure management and file noting.
  • The strong web integration feature helps in using third party tools
  • Book Binder feature helps in creating E-books by users selecting heir choice articles
  • The tree view feature helps in creating unlimited hierarchy child pages with individual or hierarchical permissions
  • Create One version of truth for all but show the same differently to different users
  • Get your associates the knowledge they need at the right time, every time. We capture knowledge during operations and activities and the same can be used for updating the associates
  • Our KMS is integrated into the platform with organizational role management and permissions embedded automatically from the platform
  • The published rules can be defined with levels of approval and content moderation in order to control the visibility of the information
  • The TipTop wiki is integrated with a communication engine to enable actors to use it as a collaboration portal and this can be used for launching discussions, Blogs, knowledge base, etc.
  • Update your information instantly use our KMS for displaying your Products and services, organizing organizational knowledge, storing and sharing the organization’s standards, policies, and procedures.
  • Launch the KMS directly from the meeting interface to use it as a minutes register for board meetings or meetings.
  • Use the KMS for our ML ( machine learning repository )