Tip-Top Mail

Business & IT unification common application requirements which is fulfilled by TT Mail:


Unique zero inbox communication engine that uses the OGM Object networks. These networks work as a bridge in the whole ecosystem and track all the communications and automatically threads them by objects and open and close for all users based on Object Status reducing communication load by 50%.
Users get to communicate with TTMail not only within the organization but also their Personal Mail.


Each user gets their own personal profile which includes his Personal Info, Qualifications, Experience, Reference, & Additional Information.
The user can manage his own profile on his own.
There is also an added feature of a CV Builder which automatically builds the employee’s CV once all the data is entered.


Tip Top Mail provides the User to keep their work organized and manage tasks with the help of a Calendar.
The user also can set reminders for specific tasks.
The user has two calendars at a time (Personal & Business linked to Strategy Map. Easy to delegate tasks from your calendar to another falling in the same group.)


Tip Top Wiki is basically a business related information in an organized and indexed way.
It’s main features being-

Resource Bank
Information Bank
Knowledge Bank
Site Management
Hierarchical Organizational Permission Management which can be read, write.
Every Article or page can be set as Public, Semi Public or Private.


Build and Manage your contacts in centralized address book with integration to all related action, task, emails, notes,etc.
Categorize/ Monitor the contacts based on Personal and Official.
Make Finding Contacts easier with smart search featuring multi- conditional search option.

Chat/ Notifications

Tip Top Mail provide you a platform where you can allows users to communicate with multiple groups across an organization using desktop or mobile for private and secure group chat.

Workspaces (All your resources in one place)

Workspace is User’s individual space where user has got all his Tasks, complains, Assignments, list of Trainings, Tasks and Milestones to achieve.

Collaboration Tool

Tip Top Mail is purely flexible and easy to use with webmail client. One may easily access email, contacts, calendars, chats, notification and many other features from any mobile or desktop web browser.

Unique zero inbox communication engine uses the OGM Object networks, these networks work as a bridge in the whole ecosystem and track all the communications and automatically threads them by objects and open and close for all users based on Object Status reducing communication load by 50%. Users get to communicate with TTMail not only within the organization but also their Personal Mail.