Tip Top office is a user worksplace that is built over the Tip Top Mail PAAS platform and serves as a user single place for conducting daily activity.
The application is SERP interface integrated with KMS
The main Features are as below:
Tip Top Mail is a dynamic business email and messaging solution for small and big businesses & enterprise organizations. It is a cloud-based architecture and let your data managed by you giving 100 % data privacy and security. At TT Mail we have recreated a ZERO INBOX with Artificial Intelligence supported Object based communication tha
within this object allowing you to get all your messages in one place and extends collaboration with all the participants.
“Object Driven 21st Century Collaboration and Communication Tool”
User’s individual space containing Tasks, Complaints, Assignments, Trainings, and Milestones.
A structured overview of action items, including goals, strategies, and initiatives.
Users can forward action items for discussion with just one click.
Quick access to additional information about an action item.
Ensures clarity on tasks to complete and what to avoid.
See your Management By Objectives by getting list of your Initiatives and acting on them
KPI score gives the score of the person by validating different parameters set by the company and according to it one can measure the performance.
See your Management By Objectives by getting list of your Initiatives and acting on them
KPI score gives the score of the person by validating different parameters set by the company and according to it one can measure the performance.
See your Management By Objectives by getting list of your Initiatives and acting on them
KPI score gives the score of the person by validating different parameters set by the company and according to it one can measure the performance.
See your Management By Objectives by getting list of your Initiatives and acting on them
KPI score gives the score of the person by validating different parameters set by the company and according to it one can measure the performance.