Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Ahalts iot platform provides a variety of solutions and devices with ready devices from our device store or our API can be used for third party device integration

Custom-Built IoT Framework for Secure Device Communication

The inbuilt and custom-made IoT framework facilitates seamless and secure communication between various IoT devices, including sensors, Wi-Fi devices, NFC devices, RFID devices, and actuators. Designed to ensure robust data exchange in an IoT environment, this framework integrates essential security components such as authentication, authorization, scheduling, activation, and accounting. These components collectively enhance privacy, integrity, confidentiality, usability, and availability, making the IoT ecosystem more reliable and secure.


As a 5th Generation Technology Organisation we are looking forward towards various fields in the world of IOT. We are are working on various range of IOT devices as well as sensors.

Garbage Sensors for Smart city developement to keep the city clean.

Smart Light Sensors for street light to save the electricity.

Weather Sensors to track the weather conditions.

Water and Power Sensors to check the availability as well as consumption of Power and water and many more.